
Returns the maximum value of the number of bytes of memory malloced but not freed (memory in use) of the database engine since the high-water mark was last reset.

Arguments: The single argument is:
reset [optional] True if the high-water mark should be reset, false if it should not be reset. The default if the argument is omitted is false.
Return value: The highest amount of memory used by the database engine, since any previous reset, in bytes.
Remarks: The memory high-water mark is reset to the current number of bytes of memory in use, if and only if theresetarg true. The value returned by this method is the high-water mark prior to the reset if a reset is done.
Details The functionality of thememoryHighWatermethod is similar to that of the SQLite sqlite3_memory_highwater API.
Example: This example shows the effect of using / not using theresetargument:
say 'Memory high water: ' .ooSQLite~memoryHighWater
say 'Memory high water: ' .ooSQLite~memoryHighWater
say 'Memory high water (reset):' .ooSQLite~memoryHighWater(.true)
say 'Memory high water: ' .ooSQLite~memoryHighWater
/* Output might be:
Memory high water: 93664
Memory high water: 93664
Memory high water (reset): 93664
Memory high water: 91712
-- Note that the return when the reset is done is the current high wated mark, not the
-- value after the reset.