
The close method releases all systems resources that have been allocated for the database connection. Once the connection has been closed, it is an error to invoke any method of the ooSQLiteConnection object that interacts with the SQLite database. All connection objects should be closed when they are no longer needed, even connection objects that were instantiated with an error.

Arguments: There are no arguments for this method.
Return value: An ooSQLite Result Code Constants code. Returns OK if the connection is successfully closed and all associated resources are deallocated. Returns BUSY if the connection is associated with unfinalized prepared statements or unfinished backup objects.
Remarks: Programs should finalize all prepared statements, close all BLOB handles, and finish all backup objects associated with the connection object prior to attempting to close the object. It is a harmless nop to invokecloseon a connection object that has already been closed. The attributes of the object are still valid after the connection is closed, but invoking other methods of a closed connection object is an error.
Details: The functionality of theclosemethod is similar to that of the SQLite sqlite3_close API.
Example: This example opens a database to do some work with it, then closes it. Note that if an error ocurrs trying to open the database, the connection object is still closed:
dbFile = 'ooFoods.rdbx'
db = .ooSQLiteConnection~new(dbFile, .ooSQLite~OPEN_READWRITE)
if db~initCode &gt.&lt. 0 then do
-- do error stuff
return 99
-- work with the database